Sunday, 23 July 2017

With a little help from my friends ...

Educators are increasingly becoming collaborative. I don't just mean overusing the buzz word of 'collaboration', but REALLY starting to share their thoughts and ideas with each other. Being brave and asking for help or clarification. Being a teacher can be a lonely job. That sounds odd when we spend all day surrounded by young people, but when the door is closed and the bell rings, you are on your own in that classroom.
Alan November recently spoke at the ISTE conference in San Antonio. Amongst other things he reminded educators of the need to manage their own professional growth. The teachers who participate in Twitter chats, attend maths circles, form online networks etc 'not only continue to improve their teaching, but they will inspire students as well'.
Personally I have become a loyal follower of several innovative thinkers on Twitter; I am a member of several VLN groups; and the Christchurch Maths Association. These networks are introducing me to new professional friends and helping me to keep abreast of the fast changes in Education. But, more than that, these networks are proving to be a support. Sometimes a faceless contact is easier to ask a question of than your colleagues at school. And why not? Nobody wants to look foolish. For long-serving teachers this option may be particularly important. these teachers have many years of valuable experience. It may be many years since they felt 'at sea' as they do currently with the advance of technology and new 21st century pedagogy. These experienced teachers are likely to be in a position of authority, and may not feel comfortable asking younger collegues for help. The beauty of online networks is their anonymity (if you want it). Refer to my earlier blog 8/3/17.
As busy practioners we all appreciate the ability to 'surf' when it is convenient to us. Twitter, podcasts, online networks enable busy educators to do just that. The Virtual Learning Network is my personal favourite. I love perusing the latest discussions, or searching and joining groups of interest, then adding my own comments. Give it a try!
The simple message is that  'You are NOT Alone!' Be brave and join the conversations. There are friends out there waiting to hear from you!

November, A . 'Future-Ready Teachers' quoted by 'Mindshift' online 16/7/17

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